As Built Surveys
As Built Surveys
Building and construction projects develop in a number of stages from initial conception to completion. In the initial stages a topographical survey will ensure that the project gets started on the right footing. Volume survey calculations may be required during the tendering process or to monitor earthworks during the construction phase.
During the final stages it may be required to produce an as-built survey to confirm that the project has been constructed as per the original design or to record and identify variations.
Reasons for As Built Surveys
As built surveys may be required for a variety of reasons.
- Highways authorities often require as built surveys, prior to adoption of completed works on new developments.
- Drainage Authorities will require as built sewer records before they adopt the drainage network.
- To the developer, the release of bonds deposited with the overseeing agencies can amount to considerable amounts of money and may only be released on the production of acceptable as built survey drawings.
- The same principle can apply to building and civil engineering projects where the return of retention money may rely on as built drawings to obtain a completion certificate.